Discovery Actions

'Actions ' are a convenient and effective means of extending the classic flow of analytics. Use the Actions wizard to configure specified actions that will be triggered when a user clicks somewhere on the visual. To learn about using Actions in Present, click here. To learn about support for MS SSAS defined Actions, see Cube Actions.

Actions are not available in the Pyramid Community

Open the Actions wizard from the Home ribbon.

Configuring Actions

Actions are configured from the Actions Wizard. From here you can configure three types of action:

  • Jump to Report: when the specified report element is selected, the given report will be opened.
  • Jump to URL: when the specified report element is selected, the given dynamic PQL functions are used to produce URL.
  • Execute JavaScript: when the specified report element is selected, a JavaScript function will be executed.

Cube Actions

When working with MS OLAP, Tabular, and BW models, actions that were configured in the data source can be executed in Pyramid. Click here to learn more.

Execute Actions

The actions configured for a target will appear in the visualization context menu. For instance, if an action is defined for a hierarchy in the visual, right click on the relevant hierarchy to select its actions.

Managing Actions

Actions are managed from the Actions wizard, where they can be edited and deleted.